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6 months ago
Waking up at the start, Li Mubai found himself transmigrated into a superbly rich, handsome person... Read more Waking up at the start, Li Mubai found himself transmigrated into a superbly rich, handsome person who inherited a worth over trillion dollars from his family.He had family backing and was handsome.He could spend any amount of money.If one encountered such a situation, they would even wake up laughing from their dreams.But what sucked was that he just transmigrated over and would immediately end up getting assassinated?The one who wanted to assassinate him was an assassin heroine in the book!How could he stand this!At this moment, Li Mu Bai awakened the Heavenly Destiny Villain System!The opening draws were the Combat prowess of the Master-Level, Villain Halo, loyalty potion…«Assassination?»«Oh, I think all she had to do was send ‘dishes’….»Li Mubai smiled slightly. For the upcoming assassination attempt, he began to feel a sense of anticipation. Collapse Arranged Marriage, Arrogant Characters, Beautiful Female Lead, Cold Love Interests, Cold Protagonist, Cunning Protagonist, Death, Doting Parents, Evil Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Level System, Male Protagonist, Manipulative Characters, Netori, R-18, Rape, Ruthless Protagonist, S*x S*aves, S*ave Harem, Sudden Strength Gain, Transmigration, Wealthy Characters Will this ever get continued or have they dropped the title? THIS IS NOT A REVIEW BUT A CLARIFICATIONS!I am writing this so that people can educate themselves and stop saying this and that are "Hypocrite"I'll explain why Villain titled novels are popular and why people assume "villain" titled novels should have good MC."Villain" titled novels are not really about "Evil MC" that either rape, blackmail, murderers etc and etc. The reason "Villain" novels pop up because of the popularity of "reincarnated as a Villainess" type of novels. Its a stories about ordinary ladies either reincarnated/ transmigrated maybe some regress. basically, ladies wet dream since back then, MCs are all about heroes and mens wet dream, Anyway, those protagonist as usually... no all of them are good natured and the premise of the story is about them getting away from their stigma as "Villainess"Now, when writers saw the popularity of the "Villainess Genre" they of course used the same thing but now instead of "Villainess" they use "Villain" for men audiences. And of course, since its the same premise, the protagonist of these "Villain" stories are the same with villainess genre "A guy who wants to survive and clear his name from being a villain since villain is equal to death/ protagonist's stepping stone".Now, "Villain" title is not really about "Evil MC". Its considered, if I remember it correctly as a genre too by a lot of authors, like isekai, system and inventory(one of the popular genre in CN now i think no translations tho)So yeah, If you saw someone commenting "Wah 😭 people are so hypocrite for expecting a good MC with a "Villain" title novel. "Villain" titled should have an Evil MC not good MC" just think of them as uneducated some.Again, "Villain" titled novels is not about "villain MC/Evil MC". There are minority of them out there but most of them are not the typical "Possession" type of novels. Those novel, like this one here, is what we call "Unique" one. But yeah, next time you saw a "Villain" in the title, first and foremost, expect the MC to be a good guy or some kind, not entirely good but not Evil. Because that's is what the genre is about.I will clarify it again in case some missed it. "VILLAIN" TITLED NOVELS ARE NOT ABOUT EVIL MC(Just because there's a villain in the title doesn't mean its about becoming a villain but in fact getting away from villain title). ITS NOT BEING HYPOCRITE BUT BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT THE GENRE IS ALL ABOUT.That's all. Hopefully this educate some people.... no, most people.source: Bro, Trust me I dont why lot hated this novel when it clearly warn that MC is villain.Villain mean evil person etc, what you expect? 😂At least this novel not hypocrite just like majority novel out there that used title become Villain blabla yet the mc not even villain, just villain wannabe. If you want to read mc as villain that this one.Reminder : even Trash, scumbag whatever it is also a villain. Its not that the novel is being dislike but the comments are what the people are reacting to.The novel is good if people are looking for a villain character Id tell you that much.You comment is an example. Its a misconception to think that people are looking for evil MC when they are looking for "Villain" in the title. No. People are looking for "Wannabe Villain" when they are looking for villain, why? Because its an isekai genre, a pure soul occupying a "Villain" character which mean, people want to see the struggle of the MC turning his villain title to good one. And here why people react because comment like yours sees that as hypocrisy when in reality its not.Id give you an example why its not hypocrisy, An MC reincarnated to an Extra/MOB character. Do you think people expect that MC to stay as an Extra? Hell no. And you call that Hypocrisy just because Extra/Villain did not stay an Extra/Villain.Transmigrated/Reincarnated as a villain is a bad choice for an "Evil" MC depends on their background and experience. For example in this novel, He is a transmigrated as a rich 2nd gen Young master, he has no driving force to become an "Evil". No assassination on parents, did not have any PTSD, no hardship in life, nothing. So its a big character hole on that. Its shallow, he's reasoning to become "Villain" especially he has no bottom line. Makes you question, Why.But again, its not about the novel really. Its about the concept of people saying "Hypocrisy". Well You got the gist of it. People doesnt dislike Evil MC but this is just not what they looking forml. Still hypocrite. You ask for villain but you seek some hero complex law abiding kind Characters bullshit hahaha Its not hypocrite lol WE ARE NOT LOOKING FOR A GOD DMN GOOD VILLAIN! WHAT IN THE WORLD YOU CANT UNDERSTAND THAT? People are looking for an MC with a premise of "Villain possession" its fking different to Looking for a "Villain MC" you dumb shit cant understand.You are saying apple and orange are the same and people are hypocrite for looking for apple instead of orange. my god what a dumb mofo Villain possession and villain MC are different.. please educate your self. Id give an example for that you dumb. Imagine peter parker, the spiderman got transmigrated in a villain body, will peter act as a villain just because hes a rich second generation young master now? Your dumb brain think so just because theres a "Villain" title. Mofo so dumb think all villain novel has to be villain MC hahaha in the first place, Villain title novel are not supposed to be "Evil" MC so please educate your self. For those who are saying that mc shouldn't have done this or that, for goddamn sake he is a f#cking VILLAIN and he ought to do what villain does which is to use any method to achieve his goal whether they are morally right or wrong so stop being a hypocrite. I think that's what other people doesn't like. People wants a Main Character that have been transmigrated/reincarnated into a villain body but don't acts as a pure villain. Like it or not, our morals are getting into the way of our enjoyment of reading unconsciously and we like MC that have bottom line. That might be the reason a lot of people doesn't like a MC that rapes, let someone gets rape or killing a child.just this book for an example, he's not a villain originally but just got transmigrated into a villain body. I expect him to have a bottom line since he knows the plot, he's probably a student or an office worker back on earth so his morals should be not that bad. in any case "Villain" should be just his title and i don't expect him to act like one but even if he do, he should still have a bottom line. Because if he doesn't have then what's the difference between the original villain and the transmigrator soul? why bother transmigrating if you act the same rotten as the original villain no?TLDR: People likes someone who has bottom line. Even if the MC is a villain. Once you remove that bottom line, you can't stop people from reacting. They are not being hypocrite , it just that their morals cant accept it. They are hypocrite. They are the same bottom people that gets bullied or watches from the sidelines when they're not the target. Tv shows, movies, they judge based on what's acceptable a.k.a their morals. Killing is fine but no rape, bottom line when killing is allowed, what even is that? They deny simplest logic, they deny reality, their moral is also just as fickle. If tomorrow the govt says, the consent age is 12, they'll be the first to accept it. They are often the most selfish hypocrite who hides behind morals. For them, their own hide is most important. I don't hate them, they're just losers. just fyi, Philippines once had a consent of age 12 yet people didnt abuse it. By your logic, every murderer is a rapist. I mean if someone would gladly murder someone, they surely must be willing to gladly rape someone too. At least according to you. Your logic are flawed. There are bunch of type of killing. but rape is just straight up rape. You are saying it like, if a murderer didnt rape his victim then he is hypocrite, which sounds absurd tbh.Anyway, you might've got my comment wrong . What i want to say is that, no one likes pure evil MC. its not about hypocrisy , people just straight up doesn't like it. Is it because they are hypocrite ? no because there's nothing likeable about them. Even the Joker who doesn't have a bottom line have that bottom line(at least the old joker)also, if having a moral is hypocrisy in your opinion,then you should have killed someone already because if not then. that's the true hypocrisy right there. No, I got what you're saying. Novel's mc should have a bottom line even if he's a villain, right? You said, chastity has higher value than life, right?You don't like pure evil, so you want mcs' to be somewhat 'evil' but not evil at the same time, right? In my previous comment, I simply explained the fragility of morality. Majority is weak, so majority won't die for what they believe in. They'll follow the words of the strong. Now is that hypocrisy? Yes it is. They're weak but selfish. They indecisive because of fear. They are wishy-washy in what they want. They want some of good, some of evil. If you ask them why, they'll say, have some morals.If your hand is bloodied and you're preaching about no-rape, it seems quite odd. Blood of young and blood of old is same, they are blood. But somehow blood of different people holds different value. Let's say a criminal killed someone, and you're appealing to the court to kill that 'criminal'. Aren't you also indirectly killing him? As if you're doing any better than that criminal. Maybe you're enacting revenge or justice, are you any different? thats the reason i said theres a bunch of type of killings. Rape is rape but killing have different type. You can kill if its self defense, you can kill for revenge and you can kill for fun. At the end of the day, Killing someone doesnt make you a murder. You can be a soldier, a police or whatever. Thats why i said your logic are flaw. It is flawed af. Thats the bottom line we are talking about. I hope you understand it. In your mind since you dont know what a bottom line is(since you look at it at some type of hypocrisy). Also dont assume i like villain that have bottom line, no, i dont like villain at all. What i want is getting the body of the villain and making it yours. Using it as your own and not as the villain(which what this kind of novel do) "oh i got reincarnated as a villain? then ill do villain things" is what i dont like just as i said.Im just poiting out what other people are looking for, and them not liking something like this doesnt make them "HYPOCRITE" I guess people create their own fantasy and live in it. They choose to believe what's convenient for them. It's kind of funny, how you're taking my words from a moralistic pov. My words are meant to be taken literally. A solider killing someone doesn't mean he is not taking a life, while a murderer is doing the same. It just 'moral' pov that gives convenient explanation.This is the fragility of morality. And I don't have any comments on your preferences, you do you. Life isn't fair. Reality is hard. Dousing in fantasy may be better. Whenever you like it or not, morals are part of human culture. Its not hypocrisy."You said that, if you have blood on your hand it doesnt matter because blood is blood." Nope. Thats Bullshit. We are barbarians no more. Soldier killing a terrorist and a gang guy murdering an innocent civilian in your mouth is the same which In my opinion, you are the one at the fantasy land. Wake up. Morals are part of human evolution, Without that "Hypocrisy" of a moral you are talking about, you are not on your parents basement reading novels rn. So you're saying if you're killing a terrorist, you're doing justice?Let's give it a context,There's a guy named Pal. He lost his parents young. He saw the tyranny and slaughter of the current regime. He lost everything because of those villains. But he found love. Now, he is newly married and has a 2 year old daughter, completely dependent on his income. Girls are not safe in this country. He realized, it was only a matter of time before his daughter became a victim as well. For his country, for his family, he took up arms and became terrorist. He died, leaving his wife as a widow and his daughter fatherless.Are you saying the govt force who partook in corruption and killed Pal are on the side of justice?Morals are fragile. Just giving it a emotional context can make a true hero into a villain, while a true villain into a hero. Is this the evolution you speak of?Emotions are just context. Actions are reality.In essence, people are just living their lives the 'right' way. The terrorists harm 'your' life, so you call them evil. If a corrupt security saves 'you', he is a hero. You are selfish. So is everyone. That's why moral is simply self-serving hypocrisy. Also if you think living in parents basement is a act of pity, then I pity you for not having good parents. Parents loving their child is not a moral act but a responsibility. They are not trying to exercise justice by taking care of their own child. you still don't get it do you. Killing terrorist isn't justice but its not equal to killing a civilian. back to bottom line. Why don't you watch what happen to sex offenders in prison. What do you think other criminals do to them? Again as I said.. You are living in a fairy tale if you think bottom lines/morals are hypocrisy. You're giving weight to lives? Terrorist lives are not equal to civilians? I guess you believe, your life is worth more than others.And about sex offender facing worse punishment by other criminals in prison, isn't that doing justice? Criminals are doing justice? Justice comes from morals. So, those criminals are actually good people?Morals are laughable sometimes. People only justify their own pleasures. Criminals feel better about themselves by abusing the weak, same as any civilians. Yes your dumb ass are in a fairy land if you think life are equal. Wake up! This is reality whether you like it or not, lives are not equal. Moral are part of Human evolution. What hypocrite looks like is not when people apply moral but people like you that so woke that think there are various genders out there and think every life out there are equal. Grow up. We are humans not GOD! We dont play equal here It's funny you're getting angry. Is it because I pointed out your hidden selfishness? You thinking your life is more precious than a terrorist's (human).But your human evolution made you think, you're upright/moralistic, and your life is more valuable. Isn't that narcissism? Also isn't that evil as well? A good person should say, every life matters. And you're saying you have morals but you're giving yourself priority. It's either your hypocrisy or you don't understand morals. lmao who said my life is better than a terrorist? your taking words out of my mouth. Maybe thats what you think? But im not dumb enough to convinced myself my life is equal to other. As i said, this is reality, other people have better life than other, and if you think people who accept that fact are looking down on others then you are really dumb. It is just being pragmatic. Also, Im not getting angry because you are right, im getting angry because how dumb you are. Do you know how frustrating it is talking to an idiot? An idiot you is in a fairy land is much even more worse.Also, Of course im giving my life priority. After all, its my life. Imagine choosing a life of a terrorist over your own life. That's not being a hypocrite, that's just straight up dumb. You are dumb. You are stating life is equal because terrorist are human? Then you think animal life is also equal to Human life after all, humans are animals. You vegans are the most woke and hypocrite here People have their preferences, the reason such famous villain made liek that because is to gain more fans or audience. Which is of course they would prevent the Villain character to become evil as extreme.But I'm sure everyone dont like villain that extreme like trash etc, but don't like doesn't mean it's not good and don't want to read. Some author maybe want to ignore such rule and just create MC that really pure evil, and here you can read mc that really pure evil,trash, scumbag. And author doesn't even denial about that in the novel like making justification etc.So, I can say that this novel it's good in some aspect, even good making mc that are villain as definition. If you just don't like pure evil villain, you can just leave it.Just like me, I don't like such coward weak MC. Even though there is lot lot of good novel that their MC are coward and weak, and I just leave it. My main point is that you cant call someone hypocrite just because hes looking for a novel with a title "villain" yet the MC is not a bad person. That it. nothing more. Look at the original comment. I don't read what i don't like, that's why i didn't read this one, im just pointing out that "People CAN want to find a "Villain novel" without an MC being a rapist." Its their choice. And having a choice like that doesn't make you hypocrite. Thats what the other guy doesnt understand. Well if author want to potray MC as villain, like lot of novel out there, but ended up mc is not villain. Then it's true if people call it hypocrite, even though villain is maybe looks good or have goods goal but regardless, they still doing bad thing, so it's unfair to call villain not bad people. Like popular villain such as Thanos, joker, etc. Even though lot of people like them and their goal is good, they still has the character of villain. Killing, robbing, scheming etc. And there are still worse villain and even worst villain that nobody like, but still its villain and they don't need justification.Sadly, ur point is wrong tho if you say that villain don't need mc to be bad person, if like that what's the point author using villain except just to bait reader. So it's fair if people call them hypocrite if they said they looking or making for Villain MC but ended up MC become such good people that really do nothing like villain 😂 No you got it wrong. You compare the wrong thing. What i said is that.. Imagine you, Yes you. You personally got reincarnated to a "Villain" character in a novel. You without any criminal record(which i hope you don't ) What drives you to act as a "Villain" just because you reincarnated as a villain? That's why i said i don't like that because there's no logic in that. That's just shitty shitty without back bone. Like the MC in this novel, he got reincarnated and became a villain... like what? Why? If you are doing the same thing then don't do reincarnation and just use the original villain why bother use "Earth" soul who doesn't commit any crime suddenly became a crime lord.You also got it wrong. Its not that i dislike villain character but what i meant is that i despise a Main Character/Protagonist that is a villain without bottom line. Your examples, Thanos, joker and etc are not protagonist. They are well written antagonist. And they have the reason to became a villain but a guy who just got reincarnated without any prior crimes back to earth suddenly becoming a crime lord... bruh Antagonist whatever you said still villain. Like I said, there are lot popular villain that arent extreme and has lot of fans, and there are also lot of villain that are extreme and has few fans but regardless they are fcking "Villain". And Author just stick with that concept that Supposedly said characters "Villain" is Villain that doing something bad.If you found that the proclaimed Villain yet do nothing bad, or even kind and law abiding. And the author keep calling villain whatever it is, then they should just abandon using fcking villain just to bait hypocrite reader like you.Fcking nonsense man you dumb you still dont get it. Im surprised you cant understand shitIn the first place, THE MC IS NOT THE VILLAIN! He is a possessor! The villain is the soul he possessed now tell me with your little brain... WHT TF IS HE ACTING AS A VILLAIN? That alone is a god damn plot hole.Again i tell you. I dont have any problem against villain but this kind of villain when he has no driving force to be a villain suddenly becomes a villain is shit as thats a god damn plot hole. Translation stopped ? Hows the plot I wanted to read but seeing timing of uploads guess I'll just wait for months I remember being very interested in the plot and reading the mtl till like ch 180, at which point the novel turned into some meaningless urban cultivation novel with the mc fighting people for no reason. Got way too annoying way too fast for me. It probably went to shit at around chapter 150 or something. Either that or it's the mtl that f#cked everything up.I have my comment below if you want an in-depth analysis of why I am so annoyed by this book after ch 150 Hi there I am like you all fan of this WN but, because of the slow release I tried translating CH60(only 500). It was my first time doing something like this, so I hope you guys can give some feedback on this short translation! Spoiler Não me agrada! Yea, so this villain is a true scumbag who enjoys psychologically torturing women. Don't get me wrong, he's not a bad character, as in, he is really well-written, but even you as the reader can't help but feel a bit disgusted by him - and this is the hallmark of a good and well written story. MC truly lives up to what are villain scumbag is, just like in the The Way of the Devil. He is unforgiving, cruel, enjoys playing with people's emotion just for the heck of it, especially his own woman, whom he slowly breaks down until she has nothing left but to reluctantly rely on him. The only thing that matters to him, it seems, is Villain Points which are awarded by the system, whenever he commits evil deeds.So all in all, he's a scumbag, a true villain, who blackmails women for sex, stealing wives, mentally abusive, etc. well thanks for your review as now i dont have to read it. dont get me wrong i love my villians protags and stuff but i dont like scumbag mc but like villian mc who have atleast a little bit of a bottom line. Scumbag, rapist, murderer, psychopath, etc are also Villain. it just happen that this novel pick the Villain meaning to extremely measure to the lowest of being being. 😂 Really? I don't know u or your tastes but please keep your morals comments for yourself... The mc and storyline are top notch for a webnovel, torturing you said... There's a lot novels even if there's not explicit, it's there... rape, holy shit, there are manhwas, mahuas, mangas, animes, webnovels, lightnovels with that shit but the rape is "soft rape" or "kind mc whom rapes that girls 'cause he was drugged" my god. This novel is good stuff, villain with botton line? This one has, he doesn't have a "loli" harem like some "masteroieces" out there, not "slave" harem, nor he forced the heroin to do nofhjng, they are married and if you'd read carefully, she marry him to save her family territory... if you quit the bullshit, you can even call her a gold-digger slut, and two-faced bitch..., Spot on mate, but don't worry, the villain lovers love this review. And those who expect good behavior from villains are either chuuni or hypocrite. This is a unique book.I mean "This is a book that you probably won't find a copy of if you want to"But that doesn't make it a good book in most ways.This book "opposes morality." That doesn't make it unacceptable, but it takes a flexible person to read it and get something.I would compare it to some refined version of Horrors.It's just that the horror of this book is much more "purified" and realistic, within the framework of our world, forgetting about all magical systems and so on, the existence of such a person does not seem impossible. And that is what is truly terrifying.Well, there are many people who prefer not to think about it at all, to put a "taboo" and not even try to understand.And the fact that the author got this "taboo" and used it, the only "Good Way" of this book.Is it worth reading? It depends on your goal...If you want to enjoy "Horror" - yes, if this quality of the novel is enough for you If you want to relax, not think about anything, and hate everything that is "taboo" - definitely not.If you want to understand... Well, maybe yes, but to be honest, this is not the best option. Ultimately, there is too much magic and other things that have to be filtered.And the quality itself is not too high.In the end, it's good that there is such a book.This is my personal opinion, but "taboo" as it is, is wrong.Anything from some point of view can be considered "evil"And hiding it under the remark "Forbidden" will only make it harder to find a solution.Creating hate, rarely based, and created "by definition" taboo To be honest, I don't understand how people read this, this MC is just dirt.... it's even disgusting to read! The author does not understand at all what a second-generation villain is. In fact, the author just wrote the MC not as a villain, but as just a scum of society, reading the first chapters you already understand what kind of character the MC has, it's just a poor man who was unexpectedly given a lot of wealth and power, in the end he freed his ugly side, nothing more, nothing interesting, in fact, this is the behavior that most people who have fallen out of poverty, into such luxury. I've read other novels with villains, but they never gave such a disgusting feeling already in the very first chapters, 15 chapters is all I've endured. Bro, I get what you're saying but that sounds more like an anti-hero to me. There's a difference between a villain and an anti-hero. This book depicts what a villain should actually be. The dude that kills really lucky dudes who ruin the balance of the world, i.e. protagonists, isn't really qualified to be a villain. At best that's an anti-hero dude who does things in a more radical way but still works toward a positive thing. What do you mean?Are you a fake feminist or what?son of a bitchOther tries to kill him but he cant do anything to them?Your parent were right to abandon you